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Because today's generations don't write letters often, the basics of addressing and mailing seem long forgotten. Below is a sample envelope with the key aspects labeled. All the labeled parts must be present for the letter to reach its destination!!

In the top left corner, a return address is needed. This is where you put your own address so that if the letter cannot be sent for some reason, it will be sent safely back to you

The first line, in the center of the envelope, is the name of the person you are sending the letter to.

Below the name of the intended recipient is their street address, including house number and then street name.

Below the street address is the city of the recipient, followed by a comma.

Following the comma is the abbreviation of the state the letter is being sent to. Both these letters should be capitalized. 

The final part of the address is the zip code. Each town in the US, as well as international areas, have a specific zip code. 

In the top right corner of the envelope goes the stamp. The letter will not be sent without one.

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